All of us want to be healthy and fit, and we set out on our fitness journey but end up giving up due to lack of time, getting bored, fitness takes a dip, and most often than not, because we have no way of being motivated. The lack of encouragement often makes one feel lethargic and bored of having to consistently workout and maintain their fitness goals. RightLife not only has a range of experts who curate personalised plans, but the peer support and encouragement on this app helps you to keep achieving your targets from the comfort of your own home. Social support plays a huge role and has a tremendous impact on fitness and health.
Motivation and Accountability
When you have a social support circle, the biggest thing that happens is the need to be accountable. There is a sense of commitment which gets formed when you share the fitness goals and progress, because it leads to a sense of wanting to see through it till the end. Moreover, if you can get a workout buddy to go to the gym with you or who can workout together be it yoga or running too, then there is a heightened responsibility of not ditching the other person unless there is a valid reason. As even mentioned on RightLife, having a support system helps you set achievable goals to keep you feeling motivated and keep your progress chart going.
It is not possible to feel motivated and pumped every single day to hit the gym or wake up to workout in the morning. When you have a support system, you get a lot of encouragement from your peers because they also understand what it is like to feel demotivated and in a slump to keep the momentum going. It could be your workout partner who is cheering you on, or the social support group you made on RightLife’s MoveRight program to uplift your spirits, because mental well-being while focusing on your physical health plays a very crucial role and one that can be easily overlooked.
Makes Working Out Enjoyable
When you workout with others, the experience automatically becomes a whole lot more enjoyable. From making it seem like a tedious task, to something that helps you feel confident, achieve your targets, and also brings in some social time which is otherwise easily lost due to everyone’s busy schedules, having someone to workout with also makes it far less challenging to complete the routine of the day. Whether you find someone at the gym or have a partner, friend, or cousin, join you on your fitness journey - it can be a great way to encourage them to focus on their health too.
Share Resources
Another great thing that happens when you are working out with a partner or have a social support circle like one that you can find on the MoveRight program on RightLife is the amount of knowledge and details that get shared in the process. There might be new workout routines you may have never tried or heard of before that you now get introduced to. There could also be tips and tricks to how one can increase movement during the day, without always having to focus only at the gym - maybe your partner did not consider using a standing desk, or maybe you did not feel the need to walk around your office once in a few hours. These little suggestions and motivational factors lead to a great sharing of resources that continues to make this experience holistic and encouraging. Another main advantage of having a workout partner is also the accountability when it comes to diet and nutrition. You automatically feel the need to eat healthy, and make conscious food choices to not let your hard work get affected by a cheat meal.
Trying to find a good and supportive social circle who understands your needs and motivation behind this fitness journey may not be all that easy. The same friends you always rely on for everything might not want to consider switching their lifestyle to a healthy one. Some of the ways to find like minded people is to either join a gym, some workout class, or use apps like RightLife that have their MoveRight program with live classes, workshops, and customised plans for your, where you find not only experts to keep a track of your progress and who are there to motivate you, but also peers using the app who are on the same journey as you to achieve their fitness goals. Right from being motivated, to having emotional encouragement, sharing details and resources, having social support helps to reach the fitness goals and change in lifestyle in a far easier manner as compared to doing it all alone.