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Imagine having a tool to check your mental health right in the palm of your hands – one that not only tracks your mental fitness but also provides actionable insights for improvement. The RightLife App brings this vision to life with its cutting-edge feature, the Voice Scan. This revolutionary tool transcends traditional methods by incorporating the nuances of your voice into a comprehensive Mental Fitness Score. 

In this blog, we’ll unravel how the voice scan tool works and explore how it empowers users to take charge of their mental well-being with real-time feedback and personalized recommendations. 

Evaluate your mental fitness with Voice Scan!  

Voice Scan feature of the RightLife App is a sophisticated tool designed to harness the unique qualities of your voice for an in-depth assessment of your mental fitness. Unlike the conventional methods of mental health tracking, which often rely on self-reported data, the Voice Scan adds a personal touch by analyzing nuances, tone, and flow of your spoken words. It is designed to be user-friendly and efficient.

How does the Voice Scan feature on RightLife App work? 

Taking a voice scan is simple! To initiate a scan, users simply log in to the RightLife App, select the ‘Voice Scan’ option, and follow easy steps.


  1. How are you feeling today?

To begin with, users can simply indicate how they are feeling on a given day – whether it’s sad, stressed, unsure, relaxed, happy, etc.

  1. Select a topic

The next step involves selecting a relevant topic to speak on, ranging from work and school to family, health, money, friends, and relationships. The app then presents users with a prompt, automatically suggesting a topic based on their current emotional state and the chosen category. Alternatively, users have the flexibility to select their topic, allowing for a personalized experience.

  1. Recording a 30-second audio

Once the prompt is selected, the user can record a 30-second voice audio. The audio needs to be recorded in a quiet and comfortable place. This audio snippet serves as a foundation for analyzing and evaluating the mental health of an individual. This scan is a multi-dimensional evaluation comprising various aspects of voice, including smoothness, control, liveliness, energy range, clarity, crispness, speech, and pause duration.

  1. The Mental Fitness Score

The crux of the Voice Scan feature lies in the Mental Fitness Score – a personalized metric ranging from 00 to 100. This score serves as a visual representation of the user’s current mental fitness status. The higher the score, the better the mental health. It provides a quick snapshot, allowing users to gauge their emotional well-being at a glance. 

Components of Mental Fitness Score 

The Mental Fitness Score generated by the Voice Scan feature on the RightLife App is a nuanced evaluation that goes beyond a single numerical value. It comprises several key components, each offering unique insights into different aspects of an individual’s mental well-being. 

Smoothness: A smooth voice indicates a calm and composed state of mind. Irregularities or disruptions in smoothness may suggest heightened stress or emotional unease. Smoothness reflects the flow and coherence of your voice during the recorded response.


Control: Assessing the level of command an individual has over their voice control gauges how well the user manages their pitch, tone, and modulation. A higher control score may indicate emotional regulation and stability. 

Liveliness: This measures the energy and vibrancy in the voice, providing insights into the user’s emotional expressiveness. A lively voice can signify positive emotions and engagement while a low liveliness score can indicate feelings of fatigue or emotional depletion. 

Energy Range: This component assesses the range of energy in the user’s voice, capturing variations and intensity. A broad energy range may indicate emotional resilience and adaptability, while a limited range could suggest emotional rigidity. 

Clarity: Measuring how the user’s words are conveyed, clarity evaluates the articulation and precision of speech. High clarity often correlates with mental clarity and focus while lower clarity may be associated with cognitive fog or feelings of overwhelm. 

Crispness: Assessing how well-defined and well-articulated your words are, crispness measures the sharpness and distinctness of your voice. A crisp voice may indicate mental alertness and presence, while a lack of crispness might suggest mental fatigue or distraction. 

Speech: Assessing the overall quality and coherence of the user’s spoken words, speech encompasses factors like pace and fluency. Well-structured and coherent speech is often associated with cognitive coherence and emotional stability. 

Pause Duration: Measuring the frequency and length of pauses in the user’s speech, pause duration evaluates the rhythm and pace of communication. Appropriate pause duration contributes to effective communication while excessively long or short pause duration indicates anxiety, uncertainty, or rushed thoughts. 

Reflect and Act: Voice Scan revolutionizes mental health monitoring! 

The Voice Scan feature is not just about assessment, it’s a tool for reflection and action. Users can take regular evaluations to track the evolution of their mental health over time and navigate their mental health journey with precision and purpose. 

In an era where mental health awareness is gaining prominence, tools like the voice scan feature on RightLife App are groundbreaking. The detailed analysis, actionable recommendations, and commitment to privacy make it a valuable companion on the journey to mental well-being. Embrace the future of mental health with the RightLife App and let your voice be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier you!


From boardrooms to living rooms, health and wellness is echoing across every corner of our modern lives. And in this ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, technology plays a pivotal role in empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being. One such groundbreaking tool is the Health Cam on the RightLife App – a feature that goes beyond the conventional to provide users with a comprehensive health assessment based on facial scans and personalized data input.

In this blog, we’ll delve into how the Health Cam works, and how you can use it to begin your journey to healthier you, today.

Getting Started: Input Basic Details

The journey with the Health Cam begins with users filling in their basic details – a simple process to enter a name, age, gender, height, weight, medical history, and lifestyle habits. These details are required to be entered only once by the user, creating their profile and serve as the foundation of subsequent health assessments – ensuring a personalized and accurate evaluation.

Facial Scan: The key to holistic assessment

The Health Cam is a powerful tool available on the RightLife App that empowers users to run a facial scan by using a tool available to everyone in the palm of their hand — their phone’s camera, and gauge their health status themselves. The USP of the Health Cam lies in the ability to perform facial scans, offering a non-invasive and convenient way to check on one’s health right from their comfort zones.

The user needs to rest the phone on a table or use a stand for a clear and motionless scan. Achieve a 4+ star rating on the screen for an accurate and precise scan. The scan takes place when the user sits in front of the camera in a well-lit environment, and takes just 30 seconds. During this brief period, the camera captures key facial metrics, allowing the app to analyze various health-related indicators. The visual cue is crucial, signifying the scan is clear and precise, laying the groundwork for a reliable health assessment.

General Wellness Score (GWS): The Health Indicator

Once you have successfully completed the facial scan with the Health Cam, a General Wellness Score (GWS) is generated. This score, ranging from 0 to 100, serves as a comprehensive measure of an individual’s overall health and well-being. This score is represented visually as well, to gain better understanding of your GWS score.The higher the GWS, the better the individual’s health status.

General Wellness Score: Components and Insights

The uniqueness of the Health Cam lies not just in the overall score, but in the detailed breakdown of components that contribute to the General Wellness Score. The RightLife App provides users with deep insights into the various facets of their health, offering a holistic perspective. Here are the key components reflected on the screen:

Vitals: This component encompasses essential physiological measurements such as heart rate index, and breathing. Monitoring vitals provides a snapshot of the body’s basic functions aiding in early detection of potential health issues.

Cardiovascular Indication: The RightLife App evaluates cardiovascular health, considering factors like Heart Rate Variability, Blood Pressure, and diastolic Blood Pressure. A robust cardiovascular system is integral to overall well-being and this component sheds light on its status.

Mental Health: Recognizing the importance of mental well-being, the Health Cam assesses Stress Index. Stress Index is a measure of the level of stress a person is experiencing, based on physiological parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. This aspect acknowledges the interconnection of mental and physical health.

Physical Fitness: The Health Cam takes a multi-faceted approach to assessing physical fitness, considering crucial indicators that go beyond traditional metrics. By analyzing facial skin age, the RightLife App provides insights into the user’s skin health and its correlation with overall well-being. The Body Shape Index offers a comprehensive understanding of body composition, highlighting the importance of healthy body proportions. The BMI provides the baseline assessment of body health in relation to weight.

Heart Health: The Health Cam's Heart Health component meticulously examines cardiac workload, vascular capacity, and risks of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension. This comprehensive evaluation provides users with a concise yet detailed overview of their cardiovascular well-being, empowering proactive measures to maintain a healthy heart.

Metabolic Health: Metabolic indicators like blood sugar levels, metabolism rate, and cholesterol levels indicate how the body processes energy and nutrients, influencing weight management and overall health. The RightLife App shares insights into Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Hypercholesterolemia Risk, and Hypertriglyceridemia Risk to help users manage these risks through lifestyle changes.

Empowering Users with Actionable Insights

Beyond providing a comprehensive health assessment, the RightLife App takes it a step further by offering actionable insights into the Health Cam results. Users receive personalized recommendations and tips to improve specific aspects of their health, empowering them to make informed lifestyle choices.

Health Cam is a paradigm shift in personal health monitoring!

The Health Cam harnesses the power of technology to offer a holistic and user-friendly approach to personal health monitoring. With its innovative facial scan feature combined with personalized data input, individuals can become aware of their health status, understand them better, and take proactive and preventive health measures.

The RightLife App sets a new standard for personalized health assessment fostering a culture of health-conscious living in the modern age.


The Five Modules of RightLife Explained

January 30, 2024
3 min read

A one-size-fits-all advice doesn’t always work for anyone. Especially when you are looking to target your overall wellness. However, the RightLife app makes everything easier. RightLife offers tailored guidance through five modules - Eat Right, Sleep Right, Move Right, Think Right & My Health. We will take a deep dive into the five modules to understand how they can help you achieve holistic goals. So, without further ado, let’s get started. 

Eat Right Module

The Eat Right module is all about making healthy choices that truly nourish your body. During the onboarding process, you’ll be asked what your primary food objective is. Whether it’s ‘Better Nutrition’ - encouraging wholesome and balanced eating or ‘Recipe Exploration’ - trying out delicious dishes. Users can also choose ‘Condition-Focused’ if they have specific health conditions or diseases that need personalized nutrition. Lastly, you can also adopt ‘Weight Goals’ if you want to target your ideal weight. 

Next up, you are given a plethora of diets like Alternative, Goal-Based, Medical, Vegetarian, Veg + Eggs or even “Anything Goes” - for the ones who want a taste of everything without any exceptions. 

The Eat Right module also sheds light on a lesser talked about topic - Food Sustainability. This section stresses the importance of eco-friendly food options that minimize your level of environmental footprint thereby ensuring a sustainable food ecosystem. Users also gain knowledge on the importance of regular drinking of water for overall health through the Hydration Focus section. Moreover, through the ‘Mindful Choices’ & ‘Nutritional Facts’ section, users learn to cultivate conscious and considerate eating habits as well as learn the science behind food for informed dietary decisions respectively. 

Sleep Right Module

In the "Sleep Right" module of the RightLife app, "Sleep Hygiene" guides users in establishing healthy sleep habits. Through customized recommendations, the module highlights the importance of an optimal sleep environment for better sleep.

For those facing sleep issues, "Sleep Disorders" provides insights into various conditions, fostering awareness and encouraging users to take corrective action. "Sleep Aids" on the other hand, introduces a variety of features such as soothing stories, resonators, nature sounds, NSDR and calming ambient sounds, creating a personalized and peaceful sleep environment for a healthy night’s sleep. 

Move Right Module 

In the "Move Right" module of RightLife, users explore a holistic approach to fitness. Within the Yoga section of the Move Right module, you'll discover classes tailored for all levels, along with specialized programs for prenatal and kids. Whether you're a beginner or not, there's something for everyone.

To promote overall well-being, users also get access to diverse exercises like cardio, strength training, full body workouts and balance training techniques such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Famous yoga forms like Ashtanga, Hatha, and Vinyasa which help you coordinate your breath and movement simultaneously are also a part of the Move Right module. Aged people and kids alike can access a range of exercises through the Inclusive Fitness section. Right Life ensures that each module is accessible by all, the Move Right module is no different. 

Think Right Module

In the "Think Right" module, users can reduce stress through meditative practices and positive affirmations which boost mood and help you work towards your goals. RightLife aims to remove stigma around psychological conditions like autism, bipolar disorder and PTSD by raising awareness through workshops and curated content. The section provides helpful tools like journaling and live classes  that nurture mental health. Users can also enhance emotional intelligence through "Emotional Quotient” which can help them cope with each situation. Ultimately, Right Life fosters an accepting community where individuals can thrive mentally, emotionally and socially.

My Health Module

The My Health module utilizes innovative technology to provide users with personalized insights about their mental and physical wellbeing. Through a quick Facial Scan, users can get a medical report in just 30 seconds that detects any health conditions and assesses overall fitness. Similarly, you can also record a 30 second voice sample and receive a detailed analysis of your mental wellness. These advanced face and voice scans generate customized content catered to the user's specific needs.

The First Look Report in My Health allows users to quickly self-assess their risk for conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. This convenient feature identifies any pressing health issues that need urgent medical care. 

Eat Right, Sleep Right, Move Right, Think Right & My Health - with these five pillars of wellness, RightLife has all aspects of your health covered. So, what are you waiting for? Start uniting your body, mind and soul with us today. Sign up with RightLife now!


Living a healthy, balanced life isn't always easy. Especially in today’s fast-paced modern world where a person’s wellness takes center stage. With countless digital distractions and workplace pressure, it’s normal to feel stuck in a rut. So, is there a way out? What if we told you that it is possible to take control of your health, one step at a time. Better still, at your fingertips, literally! Say hello to RightLife, an app that will help you on your journey to lead a happier and healthier life. 

What is RightLife?

Amidst the rapid pace of today's modern life where the world requires you to keep up, RightLife believes in taking things at your own pace. Good things often take time, we believe that your holistic wellbeing is no different. So, while the world is in haste, we say that you embrace your own rhythm, build your stamina and cultivate inner peace. 

The RightLife app provides customized diet and exercise plans tailored to your needs and goals. Our app is home to evidence-based tips, tools and content to empower you to make positive lifestyle changes. You can try new recipes, track calories, improve sleep cycle and also embrace the benefits of meditation at the click of a button. 

RightLife has five modules, each one targeting individual aspects of your health that need improvement. Here is a short overview of them:

Eat Right

Through sections like Food & Body and Food & Mind, the module takes you through the crucial link between nutrition and your body & mind thereby enabling you to make conscious food choices. 

The Eat Right module also explores the concept of "Food as Medicine," understanding how the nutrients in our diet can contribute to optimal health. Another section also helps you gain insights into managing food allergies which often hamper your digestion. Through frequent reminders, the Eat Right Module also helps you understand the significance of staying adequately hydrated and how it positively affects various bodily functions. Lastly, the Eat Right  module’s commitment to healthy eating practices extends to Food Sustainability as well. Through this section, users uncover the connection between your dietary choices and the health of the planet. 

Move Right

With RightLife, you can schedule daily workouts from anywhere in the world without the need of any equipment. Our easy-to-follow sessions will leave you more energized to deal with everyday challenges. The Yoga section in the Move Right module has classes for all levels as well as specialized programs for prenatal and kids. On the other hand, the ‘Movement’ category features dynamic practices like cardio, strength training, sports drills, and balancing exercises. Moreover, you can also learn meditation techniques like Tai Chi and Qi Gong which integrate standing and balancing. 

Sleep Right

Learn how to get a good night’s rest with the Sleep Right module. For individuals experiencing sleep difficulties, “Sleep Disorders" offers information on conditions troubling your night schedule and taking corrective measures to improve sleep quality. The Sleep Right module is home to various sleep aids like stories, resonators, nature sounds, NSDR and calming ambient sounds that can enhance your quality of sleep. It’s time to say goodbye to sleepless nights with RightLife. 

Think Right 

Learn how to keep stress at bay by meditating and practicing daily affirmations that will not only help you improve your mental health but also manifest the goals that you’ve set for yourself. The Think Right module redefines mental well-being through journaling, engaging workshops and live classes. RightLife also aims to shed light on mental health issues like autism, bipolar disorder and PTSD which are often considered taboo. Through this module, RightLife is committed to creating a supportive community where individuals can thrive mentally, emotionally, and socially. 

My Health 

The fifth and the last module in the RightLife app is My Health. It uses the latest technology with facial and voice scans to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their mental fitness and overall well-being. Through facial scans, the app analyzes your profile to get a health report in just 30 seconds. Users can learn about health risks and overall fitness by this quick assessment. 

The voice scan on the other hand, assesses various vocal parameters to give a complete report on your mental well-being. This approach provides users with a personalized and in-depth evaluation of their mental health. 

Right Life’s face and voice scans help each individual get personalized content that align with their specific requirements and aid them in achieving holistic well being.

Through My Health’s First Look Report, users can take a quick self-assessment to understand their risks to diseases like hypertension, diabetes and any other life-threatening illness. This useful feature helps users take notice of any immediate health concerns or areas that require urgent medical attention. Apart from that, My Health also helps users track their sleeping patterns and take corrective measures towards improving sleep quality. 

RightLife makes it simple to understand your overall well-being so you can make informed decisions each day. Our graphs allow you to visualize progress as you form healthy habits over time. With in-app reminders and accountability features, staying on track is effortless. Getting started with RightLife is easy, just fill out a basic questionnaire and voila! You’re on board. Begin your journey on the right path today!